矢口 博久
Hirohisa Yaguchi
URL: vision-lab.tp.chiba-u.jp

職歴:東京工業大学助手,NRC Canada,千葉大学工学部助手,同助教授,1995現職
所属学協会:応用物理学会(日本光学会),日本視覚学会,照明学会,日本色彩学会,日本写真学会,OSA, IS&T

・Nonlinear two-stage model for color discrimination, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, 28, 704-712 (2011), T. Inamura, S. Shioiri, S. Tsujimura, H. Yaguchi
・納谷先生とヘルムホルツコールラウシュ効果,日本色彩学会誌,第35巻,第1号, 23-26 (2011)
・Measuring attention using flash-lag effect, Journal of Vision, 10(10), 10:1-13 (2010), S. Shioiri, K. Yamamoto, H. Oshida, K. Matsubara, H. Yaguchi
・Perception of Colorfulness Influenced by Chromatic Variance in Indoor Environments, J. Light & Vis. Env., Vol.34, 2, 69-75 (2010) Y. Mizokami and H. Yaguchi
・1990年代における日本人女性の肌色変化,日本色彩学会誌,Vol.34, No.2, 120-130 (2010), 吉川拓伸,棟方明博,高田定樹,矢口博久
・HIDと白色LEDにおける光源色の見えと測色値の不一致,照明学会誌, Vol.93, 92-99 (2010), 喜多靖,永瀬達也,佐野一賢,溝上陽子,矢口博久
・Integration of monocular motion signals and the analysis of interocular velocity differences for the perception of motion-in-depth, Journal of Vision, 9(13):10, 1-17 (2009), S.Shioiri, D.Kakehi, T.Tashiro, H.Yaguchi
・Psychophysical evidence for a purely binocular color system, Vision Research, Vol. 49, 202-210 (2009), Koichi Shimono, Satoshi Shioiri, Hirohisa Yaguchi
・ 観察条件を考慮した二色型色覚の色の見え,日本色彩学会誌,Vol.32, No.3, 175-184 (2008), 吉澤将則,矢口博久
・Differences in temporal frequency tuning between the two binocular mechanisms for seeing motion in depth, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, 25, 1574-1585 (2008), S.Shioiri, T.Nakajima, D.Kakehi, H.Yaguchi
・A new method for assessing motion-in-depth perception in strabismic patients, Br. J. Ophthalmol. 92, 47-50 (2008), Y. Watanabe, T. Kezuka, K. Hasegawa, M. Usui, H. Yaguchi, S. Shioiri
・Color Perception and Recognition under Automotive Headlight with LED, SAE Technical Paper Series, 2007-01-1036, (2007), Yasuki Kita, Shinichi Kojima, Takashi Sato, Hirohisa Yaguchi
・Stereo channels with different temporal frequency tunings, Vision Res., Vol.47, 289-297 (2007) Seungbae Lee, Satoshi Shioiri and Hirohisa Yaguchi
・カラーアピアランスモデルと国際標準化動向,画像電子学会誌、Vol.35, No.6, 955-958 (2006)
・サッカード眼球運動と先行注意移動,光学,Vol.35, No.3, 156-164 (2006) 松原和也、金子瑞樹、塩入諭、矢口博久
・Visual Evaluation at Scale of Threshold to Suprathreshold Color Difference, Color Res.Appl., Vol.30, No.3, 198-3208 (2005) Haisong Xu, Hirohisa Yaguchi
・CIE色の見えモデル(CIECAM02)の概要とその応用,日本写真学会誌,Vol.68, No.1, 16-20 (2005)
・カラーマネージメントと規格(ICC profile, sRGB, CIECAM02等)、日本色彩学会誌、Vol.28, No.1, 59-63 (2004) 矢口博久、仲谷文雄
・A Color Appearance Model Applicable in Mesopic Vision, OPTICAL REVIEW, Vol.11 No.4, 272-278 (2004) Jae Chul Shin, Naoki Matsuki, Hirohisa Yaguchi and Satoshi Shioiri
・Change of Color Appearance in Photopic, Mesopic and Scotopic Vision, OPTICAL REVIEW, Vol.11 No.4, 265-271 (2004) Jae Chul Shin, Hirohisa Yaguchi and Satoshi Shioiri
・The Effect of Exposure Duration on Stereopsis and Its Dependency on Spatial Frequency, OPTICAL REVIEW Vol. 11, No. 4, 258-264 (2004) Seungbae LEE, Satoshi SHIOIRI and Hirohisa YAGUCHI
・Evaluation of Color Matching Perfoemances for SPEM and Other Models, Color Res. Appl., Vol.28, No.6, 445-453 (2003) Masato Tsukada, Johji Tajima, Hirohisa Yaguchi
・Color Discriminatioon Chanracteristics Depending on the Background Color in the (L, M) Plane of a Color Space, OPTICAL REVIEW, Vol.10 No.5, 391-397 (2003) Ken-ichi Kawamoto, Taisuke Inamura, Hirohisa Yaguchi and Satoshi Shioiri
・Effects of Temporal Frequency and Contrast on Spatial Frequency Characteristics for Disparity Threshold, OPTICAL REVIEW, Vol.10 No.2, 120-123 (2003) Seungbae Lee, Satoshi Shioiri and Hirohisa Yaguchi
・L,M錐体コントラスト空間における色弁別の時間周波数特性、光学、Vol.32, No.2, 105-112 (2003) 河本健一郎、矢口博久、塩入諭
・Smooth shifts of visual attention, Vision Res., Vol.42, 2811-2816 (2002), Satoshi Shioiri, Ken Yamamoto, Yoshinori Kageyama and Hirohisa Yaguchi
・Detection of relative and uniform motion, J.Opt.Soc.Am.A, Vol.19, No.11, 2169-2179 (2002) Satoshi Shioiri, Sadanori Ito, Kentaro Sakurai and Hirohisa Yaguchi
・Correlation Between Visual and Colorimetric Scales Ranging from Threshold to Large Color Difference, Color Research Application, Vol.25, 349-359(2002)
・Testing CIELAB-Based Color-Difference Formulae Using Large Color Differences, OPTICAL REVIEW, Vol.8, No.6, 487-494 (2001)
・Estimation of Color-Difference Formulae at Color Discrimination Threshold Using CRT-Generated Stimuli, OPTICAL REVIEW, Vol.8, No.2, 142-147 (2001)

・写真工学の基礎 銀塩写真編(分担),日本写真学会編,コロナ社,1998
・Three-Dimentional Television, Video, and Display Technologies (分担), Editors: B.Javidi, F.Okano, Springer, 2002
・カラーマネージメント技術(分担),画像電子学会編,電機大出版局, 2008
・LED革新のための最新技術と展望(分担),情報機構, 2008
・LED照明の高効率化プロセス・材料技術と応用展開(分担),サイエンス&テクノロジー, pp.115-125, 2010
・発光・照明材料(分担),日本セラミック協会編,日刊工業新聞社,pp.26-23, 2010