- Kazuki Hamada, Yoko Mizokami, Kumiko Kikuchi, Hirohisa Yaguchi, and Yoshihisa Aizu: Discrimination threshold of skin color in skin image. Journal of the Color Science Association of Japan 42-2, pp.50-58. (2018) (in Japanese)
- Hirohisa Yaguchi, Junyan Luo, Miharu Kato, and Yoko Mizokami: Computerized simulation of color appearance for anomalous trichromats using the multispectral image. Journal of the Optical Society of America A 35-4, pp.B278-B286. (2018)
- Kumiko Kikuchi, Chika Katagiri, Hironobu Yoshikawa, Yoko Mizokami, and Hirohisa Yaguchi: Long‐term changes in Japanese women's facial skin color. Color Research & Application 43-1, pp.119-129. (2018)
- Yoshida Hidehumi, Hirai Keita, Mizokami Yoko: Applicability of CIELAB Volume Metric to the Latest Electronic Display, The 25th International Display Workshops (IDW ’18), (2018 December, Nagoya) (Invited talk)
- Wakamatsu Tatsuki, Mizokami Yoko: Effect of Gloss on Color Constancy for Familiar Objects, The 4th Asia Color Association Conference, Proc., 283-287. (2018 December, Chiang Mai) (poster)
- Otsuka Chisako, Mizokami Yoko, Yaguchi Hirohisa: Relationship between Facial Pigmentation Distribution and Conspicuousness, The 4th Asia Color Association Conference, Proc., 546-550. (2018 December, Chiang Mai) (poster)
- Mikiat T., Chitapanya P. , Panitanang N. , Du Xinlong, Mizokami Yoko, Ikeda Mitsuo, Phuangsuwan C. : The Perceived Color Constancy Demonstrated in an Unclear Photographic Image, The 4th Asia Color Association Conference, Proc., 311-316. (2018 December, Chiang Mai) (poster)
- Masumitsu Taishi, Mizokami Yoko: Effect of Natural Combination of Saturation and Lightness Contrast on Colorfulness Adaptation, The 4th Asia Color Association Conference, Proc., 278-282. (2018 December, Chiang Mai) (poster)
- Kato Miharu, Mizokami Yoko, Yaguchi Hirohisa: Comparison of Trichromatic and Multispectral Simulation Models for Anomalous Trichromats, The 4th Asia Color Association Conference, Proc., 289-294. (2018 December, Chiang Mai) (poster)
- 山添 崇, 舟木 智洋, 喜安 勇貴, 溝上 陽子: 物体の忠実な質感再現に適した照明条件の検討, 日本色彩学会平成29年度研究会大会 色彩科学系5研究会 合同研究発表会, 日本色彩学会誌, 42, Supplement (2018 November, 東京)
- 若松 竜亀, 溝上 陽子: 身近な物体において鏡面反射が色恒常性に与える影響, 質感のつどい 第4回公開フォーラム, プログラム, (2018 October, 横浜) (poster)
- 大塚 理子, 溝上 陽子, 矢口 博久: 顔画像における色素斑の分布と目立ちの関係の検証, 質感のつどい 第4回公開フォーラム, プログラム, (2018 October, 横浜) (poster)
- 喜安 勇貴, 溝上 陽子, 矢口 博久: 照明の拡散度と物体表面の特性が質感知覚に与える影響, 質感のつどい 第4回公開フォーラム, プログラム, (2018 October, 横浜) (poster)
- Takahashi Yoshika, Ilic Ivana, Webster Michael A., Whitehead Lorne, Mizokami Yoko: Colorfulness adaptation for real surfaces under wide color gamut illumination, OSA Fall Vision Meeting, (2018 September, Reno) (poster)
- Kiyasu Yuki, Mizokami Yoko, Yaguchi Hirohisa: How direct light and diffusive light influence the appearance of objects?, OSA Fall Vision Meeting, (2018 September, Reno) (poster)
- Ilic Ivana, Mizokami Yoko, Kimura Eiji, Webster Michael A.: Breaking the McCollough effect, OSA Fall Vision Meeting, (2018 September, Reno) (poster)
- Mizokami Yoko: Surface appearance influenced by the diffuseness of lighting, The 11th Asia Lighting Conference (ALC), (2018 September, Kobe) (invited talk)
- 若松 竜亀, 溝上 陽子: 身近な物体における光沢が色恒常性に与える影響, 日本視覚学会2018年夏期大会, Vision, 30, 126-127(2p03). (2018 August, つくば) (poster)
- Takano Masahiro, Mizokami Yoko , Yokokawa K., Tokunaga R., Ito T., Yamada M.: Cortical areas related to saturation correction for haze vision, The 14th Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision (APCV), Abstract Book, 105. (2018 July, Hangzhou) (poster)
- Funaki Tomohiro, Mizokami Yoko The effect of familiarity on lighting and objects to color constancy, The 14th Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision (APCV), Abstract Book, 109. (2018 July, Hangzhou) (poster)
- Du Xinlong, Mizokami Yoko Color constancy in a real space and a high-resolution image, The 14th Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision (APCV), Abstract Book, 108. (2018 July, Hangzhou) (poster)
- 三上 大河, 溝上 陽子: 自然画像における刺激の複雑さが色域拡大効果に与える影響, 日本色彩学会第49回全国大会[大阪]’18, 日本色彩学会誌, 42, Supplement 183-184. (2018 June, 大阪) (poster) *発表奨励賞受賞
- 舟木 智洋, 溝上 陽子: 照明と物体に対する熟知性が色の見えに及ぼす効果, 日本色彩学会第49回全国大会[大阪]’18, 日本色彩学会誌, 42, Supplement 181-182. (2018 June, 大阪) (poster)
- 益満 大志, 溝上 陽子: 彩度・明度コントラスト変調による画像の自然さが彩度順応に与える影響, 日本色彩学会第49回全国大会[大阪]’18, 日本色彩学会誌, 42, Supplement 26-27. (2018 June, 大阪)
- 園田 倖太, 溝上 陽子: 自然昼光下と人工光源下における実物体の色の見え, 日本色彩学会第49回全国大会[大阪]’18, 日本色彩学会誌, 42, Supplement 12-14. (2018 June, 大阪)
- Mizokami Yoko, Nozaki Wataru, Yaguchi Hirohisa: Influence of the diffuseness of illumination on color appearance, Vision Sciences Society 2018 Annual Meeting, Journal of Vision, 18, (2018 May, St. Pete Beach) (poster)
- Ilic Ivana, Whitehead Lorne, Mizokami Yoko, Webster Michael A.: Adaptation and perceived contrast in natural vs wide-color-gamut lighting, Vision Sciences Society 2018 Annual Meeting, Journal of Vision, 18, (2018 May, St. Pete Beach) (poster)
- Mizokami Yoko, Nozaki Wataru, Yaguchi Hirohisa: Stable colour appearance among change in the diffuseness of illumination, the CIE 2018 Topical Conference on Smart Lighting in Taipei, CIE x045:2018 (Proceedings of CIE 2018 ”Topical Conference on Smart Lighting” ), 50-54. (2018 April, Taipei) (invited talk)
- 三上 大河, 溝上 陽子: 画像の種類が色域拡大効果に与える影響, 日本色彩学会 視覚情報基礎研究会 第33回研究発表会, 論文集, 33-34. (2018 March, 千葉)
- Takahashi Yoshika, Mizokami Yoko, Webster Michael A., Whitehead Lorne: Verification of colorfulness-adaptation effect under real illumination, The 8th Lux Pacifica, (2018 March, Tokyo) (poster)
- Kiyasu Yuki, Mizokami, Yaguchi Hirohisa: Influence of diffuseness of lighting on the appearance of glossiness and roughness, The 8th Lux Pacifica, (2018 March, Tokyo) (poster)
- 舟木 智洋, 溝上 陽子: 照明と物体の熟知による色恒常性への影響, 日本色彩学会 色覚研究会 平成29年度研究発表会, 予稿集, 6-7. (2018 March, 東京)
- 溝上 陽子: 色覚異常者の色知覚特性と分光的シミュレーション, 日本色彩学会 色覚研究会 平成29年度研究発表会, 予稿集, 50-51. (2018 March, 東京) (招待講演)
- 三原 優輝, 溝上 陽子: 色覚異常の強度測定に対するディスプレイ検査手法の検討, 日本色彩学会 色覚研究会 平成29年度研究発表会, 予稿集, 26-27. (2018 March, 東京)
- 園田 倖太, 溝上 陽子: 昼光と人工光源下における物体の色の見え, 日本色彩学会 色覚研究会 平成29年度研究発表会, 予稿集, 4-5. (2018 March, 東京)
- 溝上 陽子: 視覚や色の規格化の最新動向, 電子ディスプレイの人間工学シンポジウム2018, 講演集, 149-166. (2018 March, 東京) (招待講演)
- 濱田 一輝, 溝上 陽子, 矢口 博久: メラニンとヘモグロビンによる色変化方向における肌の色弁別, 日本視覚学会2018年冬季大会, Vision, 30, 55 (3p06). (2018 January, 東京) (poster)
- 野崎 航, 溝上 陽子, 矢口 博久: 照明の拡散性と周囲環境が物体の色の見えに与える影響, 日本視覚学会2018年冬季大会, Vision, 30, 42 (2p18). (2018 January, 東京) (poster)
- Mizokami Yoko: Shitsukan perception influenced by the diffuseness of lighting Seminar on Color Vision & Shitsukan Perception, (2018 January, Chiba) (poster)
- 濱田 一輝, 溝上 陽子, 菊地 久美子, 矢口 博久, 相津 佳永: 肌画像における肌色の弁別特性. 日本色彩学会誌 42-2, pp.50-58. (2018)
- Hirohisa Yaguchi, Junyan Luo, Miharu Kato and Yoko Mizokami: Computerized simulation of color appearance for anomalous trichromats using the multispectral image. Journal of the Optical Society of America A 35-4, pp.B278-B286. (2018)
- Kumiko Kikuchi, Chika Katagiri, Hironobu Yoshikawa, Yoko Mizokami and Hirohisa Yaguchi: Long‐term changes in Japanese women's facial skin color. Color Research & Application 43-1, pp.119-129. (2018)
- Chun-Kai Chang, Yoko Mizokami and Hirohisa Yaguchi: Computational design of simulated multi-primary display spectral bands for spectral colour reproduction. Journal of the International Colour Association 21-pp.52-73. (2018)